Mayan Mocha Powder
After you stress your muscles during a workout, amino acids help repair your muscle tissue and build it back stronger and bigger.
Recipe Summary Mayan Mocha Powder
Years ago I worked in a little coffee shop. We had a powdered cocoa mix with spices that was called Mexican Spiced Cocoa. On the can were directions for mixing it with espresso to get Mayan Mocha. I fell IN LOVE with that drink and have been searching for a replacement ever since. The coffee shop inside Hastings has a similar drink, but won't sell the mix to me for home use. So I researched a little, tested a little, and came up with this. To serve, stir 1/4 cup mix with 1 cup hot water and stir.Ingredients | Teamex Protein Powderprep: 5 mins total: 5 mins Servings: 12 Yield: 12 servings
TAG : Mayan Mocha PowderBreakfast and Brunch, Drinks,
Images of Teamex Protein Powder
Teamex Protein Powder - This super healthy option is very hemp protein powder is made from powdered hemp seeds and has lots of protein and few carbs.